1804 - 1886 (82 years)
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VanVolkenburgh, Gilbert: Petition to the Crown Lands Department, 1842
On a single date: 12 Nov 1842, five sons and one daughter of John VV "of Ernesttown, United Empire Loyalist", applied for free grants of land as children of an United Empire Loyalist. These were followed on 10 Dec by petitions from two more daughters - all the daughters used their married names and two of them were widows. On each of these petitions is noted the finding that the father's name had not ever been recorded on the UEL list. Brother David VV then submitted further affadavits and supporting documentation to affect this change.
These 1842 applications are found in the Petitions to the Crown Lands Department (PCLD) collection, whereas most other Loyalist grant applications are in the Upper Canada Land Petitions (UCLP) collection. It is unusual in the PCLDs to see references back to Loyalist grants. The VV siblings must have believed there was a basis for applying in 1842, as the same brother David VV had earlier petitioned for his father's name to be added to the UEL list in 1840, (and this petition is found in the UCLP collection).
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