Upper Canada Land Petitions re: VanValkenburgs
Indexed by surname, may now be searched at the
national archives website: http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/databases/upper-canada-land/001097-100.01-e.php
As of 12 Jan 2012 the microfilm collection has
been digitized and can be consulted
online by reel. Each reel is 1000+ pages. Below
are the links to many VV land petitions at their starting
points. I have also transcribed most of them and provided
Name: Vanvolkenburgh, David
Place: Bastard
Year: 1819
Volume: 420
Bundle: Perth Military Settlement
Petition: 23
Page: 23m
Microfilm: C-2739
Reference: RG 1 L 3
Name: Vanvolkenburgh, David
Place: Haldimand
Year: 1843
Volume: 518
Bundle: V 2
Petition: 7
Microfilm: C-2949
Reference: RG 1 L 3
Name: Van Valkenburgh, Jacob
Place: Kingston
Year: 1790
Volume: 513
Bundle: U-V Misc. 1784-1794
Petition: 46
Microfilm: C-2842
Reference: RG 1 L 3
NOT FOUND IN INDEX but on microfilm at Archives
Name: Vanvolkenburgh, David
Place: Cramahe
Year: 1848
Volume: 518
Bundle: V 4
Petition: 12
Microfilm: C-2949
Reference: RG 1 L 3
See also VANVLKENBERGH-David-Medical-Board-1836
Name: Hodges/Van
Volkenburgh, Cloe
Place: Augusta
Year: 1800
Volume: 514
Bundle: U-V 5
Petition: 4
Microfilm: C-2947
Reference: RG 1 L 3
VANVOLKENBURGH-CloeHodges-1800-Augusta |
Name: Van Valkenburgh, Adam
Place: Kingston
Year: 1819
Volume: 521
Bundle: U-V Leases 1800-1832
Petition: 29
Microfilm: C-2949 * actually it was on C-2950 with other Leases
Reference: RG 1 L 3
Name: Van Valckenburgh, Cornelius
Place: Willoughby
Year: 1801
Volume: 514
Bundle: U-V 5
Petition: 6
Microfilm: C-2947
Reference: RG 1 L 3
VANVALKENBURGH-Cornelus-1801-WilloughbyLincoln |
Name: Van Volkenburg, John
Place: Ernestown
Year: 1801
Volume: 521
Bundle: U-V Leases 1800-1832
Petition: 4
Microfilm: C-2950 * actually it was on C-2950 with other Leases
Reference: RG 1 L 3
Name: Van Valkenburgh, Jacob
Place: Mecklenburg
Year: 1790
Volume: 514
Bundle: U-V 3
Petition: 22
Microfilm: C-2947
Reference: RG 1 L 3
Name: Van Volkenburgh, Adam B.
Place: Kingston
Year: 1819
Volume: 521
Bundle: V Leases 1800-1819
Petition: 16
Microfilm: C-2950
Reference: RG 1 L 3
Name: Williams/Van Volconberg, Jane
Place: Ernestown
Year: 1817
Volume: 515
Bundle: V 13
Petition: 4
Microfilm: C-2947
Reference: RG 1 L 3
Name: Wattenburck /
VanVoltenbuck, Jacob
Place: Bathurst
Year: 1833
Volume: 533
Bundle: W 18
Petition: 53
Microfilm: C-2957
Reference: RG 1 L3
Name: Deris/Van Valkenburgh, Louis
(Deris is actually Davis)
Place: Thorold
Year: 1813
Volume: 514A
Bundle: V 10
Petition: 17
Microfilm: C-2947
Reference: RG 1 L 3
VANVALENBURGH-LoisDavis-1813-ThoroldLincoln |
Name: Vanvoltenbuck, Jacob
Place: Bathurst
Year: 1820
Volume: 420
Bundle: Perth Military Settlement
Petition: 15
Page: 15b
Microfilm: C-2739
Reference: RG 1 L3
Name: Diamond/Vanvolconberg, Anne
Place: Kingston
Year: 1830
Volume: 516
Bundle: V 17
Petition: 1
Microfilm: C-2948
Reference: RG 1 L 3
Year: 1820
Volume: 47
Page: 23073-23078
Microfilm: C-4604
Reference: RG 5 A1, Land Petitions in Upper Canada Sundries
(microfilm not available online)
NOT FOUND IN INDEX but on microfilm at Archives
Name: Vanvolkenburgh, David for U.E. recognition for father John VV of Ernesttown
Place: Camden East
Year: 1840
Volume: 518
Bundle: 22
Petition: 16
Microfilm: C-2949
Reference: RG 1 L 3
Place: Louth
Year: 1805
Volume: 96
Bundle: C 8
Petition: 6
Microfilm: C-1650
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 244
Name: Vollick, Jonas
Place: Nelson
Year: 1824
Volume: 516
Bundle: V 14
Petition: 4
Microfilm: C-2948
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 121
Name: FOLLOCK, Cornelius
Year: 1795
Volume: 185
Bundle: F 1
Petition: 10
Microfilm: C-1893
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 529
Name: Vollick, Isaac
Place: Haldimand
Year: 1825
Volume: 516
Bundle: V 14
Petition: 26
Microfilm: C-2948
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 211
Name: FOLLUCK, Cornelius
Place: Newark
Year: 1796
Volume: 185
Bundle: F 2
Petition: 23
Microfilm: C-1893
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 732
Name: Vollick, Peter
Place: Haldimand
Year: 1825
Volume: 516
Bundle: V 14
Petition: 27
Microfilm: C-2948
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 216
Name: FOLLOCK, Isaac
Place: Newark
Year: 1796
Volume: 185
Bundle: F 2
Petition: 26
Microfilm: C-1893
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 744
Name: Vollick, Jacob
Place: Haldimand
Year: 1826
Volume: 516
Bundle: V 14
Petition: 28
Microfilm: C-2948
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 121
Place: Grantham
Year: 1798
Volume: 186
Bundle: F 4
Petition: 83
Microfilm: C-1894
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 523
Name: Vollack, Mathias
Place: Canborough
Year: 1835
Volume: 517
Bundle: V 19
Petition: 7
Microfilm: C-2948
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 946
Name: FOLLICK, Matthias
Place: Barton
Year: 1825
Volume: 191A
Bundle: F 14
Petition: 86
Microfilm: C-1898
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 52
Name: Vollack, Catherine
Place: Canborough
Year: 1835
Volume: 517
Bundle: V 19
Petition: 8
Microfilm: C-2948
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 949
Name: FOLLICK, Peter
Place: Nelson
Year: 1825
Volume: 191A
Bundle: F 14
Petition: 96
Microfilm: C-1898
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 94
Name: Vollack, George
Place: Canborough
Year: 1835
Volume: 517
Bundle: V 19
Petition: 9
Microfilm: C-2948
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 952
Name: FOLLUCK, Storm
Place: Niagara
Year: 1797
Volume: 196
Bundle: F Misc. 1789-1839
Petition: 22
Microfilm: C-2022
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 891
Name: Vollick/Spirbeck, Sophia
Place: Canborough
Year: 1836
Volume: 473
Bundle: S 21
Petition: 18
Microfilm: C-2820
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 625
Name: Volick, Isaac
Place: Newark
Year: 1795
Volume: 514
Bundle: U-V 1
Petition: 13
Microfilm: C-2842
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at pg. 1117
Name: Vollock/Volck, Isaac
Place: Newark
Year: 1797
Volume: 514
Bundle: U-V 2
Petition: 27
Microfilm: C-2842
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at pg. 1250
Name: Vollock, Storm
Place: Grantham
Year: 1797
Volume: 514
Bundle: U-V 2
Petition: 33
Microfilm: C-2847
Reference: RG 1 L3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm images start at p. 9
Lower Canada Land
Petitions (Quebec)
Indexed by surname, may be searched at the national archives website: