NOT FOUND IN INDEX but on microfilm at Archives
Name: Vanvolkenburgh, David for U.E. recognition for father John VV of Ernesttown
Place: Camden East
Year: 1840
Volume: 518
Bundle: 22
Petition: 16
Microfilm: C-2949
Reference: RG 1 L 3
Library and Archives Canada microfilm image p. 199
To His Excellency the Right Honorable Charles Pulett Thompson Governor in Chief in and over the Province of Upper Canada etc etc etc
The Petition of David Vanvolkenburgh of Camden East
Humbly Sheweth
That your Petitioner's father the late John Vanvolkenburgh of the Township of Ernesttown in the Midland District now deceased, emigrated to this Province in the Year 1792 and settled with his family in the Township of Ernesttown. That he was a resident of the British Colonies now United States before the Revolutionary War and served therein
under the British Standard as will appear by the annexed Certificates.
That your Petitioner's father was prevented by sickness from attending the Quarter Sessions for the enrolment of his name as an U.E. Loyalist, as he has understood, and
dying left his family too young and helpless to attend to their interests in that respect, and his name has therefore been omitted to be placed upon the U.E. List to which he was justly entitled.
Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays that
Library and Archives Canada microfilm image p. 200
that Your Excellency may be pleased to order that the name of the late John Vanvolkenburgh of the Township of Ernesttown aforesaid be place upon the U.E. List of this Province.
And as in duty bound
Your Petitioner will ever pray -
[signed x his mark] David Vanvolkenburgh
Camden East
26 January 1840
[signed] Daniel Pomeroy
Library and Archives Canada microfilm image p. 201
Petition V 22 No. 16
David Vanvolkenburgh prays that his father's name may be placed on the U.E. List
Secy Office
25th Feby 1840
Referred to the Inspector General to be ? hereon for the information of the Hon.ble the Executive Council
Library and Archives Canada microfilm image p. 202
David Fraser of the Township of Camden in the Midland District and Province of Upper Canada, a U.E. Loyalist - Maketh oath and saith that he was personally acquainted with John Vanvolkenburg in that part of America now called the United States, and that he knew said John Vanvolkenburg when he was enlisted as a Soldier in the Light House that he saw him in Regimentals at New York and to the best of his recollection he the said Vanvolkenburg was between 20 and 30 years of age;
that he afterwards saw him in Lower Canada with his Corps? in the year 1782 and further that he to the best of his knowledge continued in His Majesty's Service during the whole period, and he removed in to Ernest town, U.C. in the year 1792.
Sworn before me at Camden,
this Fifteenth day of June
One thousand Eight hundred
and thirty seven.
[signed x his mark] David Fraser
Joshua B. Lockwood
Commissioner K.B.
Midland District
Library and Archives Canada microfilm image p. 203
Affidavit of David Fraser -
??? The witness of the service??? of Petitioner during the Revolutionary War is not satisfactory.
J. W. Macaulay
In Council 21st December 1840
Not recommended.
communicated to Mr. J.B. Spragge 31 Dec 1840.